Xi Jinping held a video meeting with German Chancellor Merkel

    President Xi Jinping held a video meeting with German Chancellor Merkel on October 13. In a friendly atmosphere, the two sides reviewed the development of China-Germany and China-EU relations in recent years and exchanged in-depth views on related issues.


   Xi Jinping spoke highly of Merkel's contribution to promoting the development of China-Germany and China-EU relations during his tenure. Xi Jinping pointed out that "people's acquaintance is more important in knowing each other; people's acquaintance is more important in knowing each other". This sentence is not only a good interpretation of our many years of in-depth exchanges, but also an important experience in maintaining stable and healthy development of Sino-German relations over the past 16 years. Chinese people value love and righteousness. We will never forget our old friends. The door of China is always open to you. I hope you will continue to care and support the development of China-Germany and China-EU relations.


   Xi Jinping emphasized that we have repeatedly exchanged in-depth exchanges on bilateral relations, major international and regional issues, governance experience, etc., which have jointly promoted the development of bilateral relations and promoted China-Germany cooperation to address global challenges. In the spirit of mutually beneficial cooperation, China and Germany have brought into play the economic complementarity of the two countries and achieved a win-win situation. China and Germany have developed well on their own and have made greater contributions to the world economy. This proves that the zero-sum game can be avoided completely between countries, and mutual benefit and win-win results can be achieved. This is the main tone of Sino-German relations that should be firmly grasped. Next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany. Where is the development of the relationship between the two sides going? It is very important to keep the right direction. China has always viewed China-Germany relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and is willing to maintain high-level exchanges with Germany, enhance mutual understanding and people’s friendship, tap the potential for cooperation in traditional fields, and actively explore new areas of practical cooperation in energy transition, green and digital economy, etc. Promote the deepening of China-Germany cooperation.



   Xi Jinping pointed out that the pursuit of peace and development is the common aspiration of China and the EU. Both China and the EU stand for upholding multilateralism, and both support trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and both believe that the common interests of China and the EU far outweigh the contradictions and differences. At present, the global fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the promotion of world economic recovery are in a critical period. In the face of increasing global problems and rising instability and uncertainty, China and Europe, as two major forces in the world, have the responsibility to strengthen cooperation and unite to respond. . Both sides should look at China-EU relations from a broader perspective, understand each other objectively and comprehensively, and handle differences and differences rationally, peacefully and constructively. It is hoped that the EU will adhere to independence, truly safeguard the EU's own interests and the unity of the international community, and work with China and other countries to jointly resolve the problems of peace and development of the century.


Merkel said that I still remember every exchange we had in more than a decade. We have candid and in-depth exchanges on issues of common concern, enhanced mutual understanding, and promoted the sound development of Germany-China relations and EU-China cooperation. During my tenure as Chancellor of Germany, China has achieved rapid development, its national strength is not what it used to be, and it has shown great potential. I have always maintained that the EU should develop its relations with China independently. The two sides can strengthen dialogue and exchanges on issues of differences and differences. I believe that EU-China relations can overcome various complex factors and continue to develop. Germany appreciates China's efforts to address climate change and protect biodiversity, and is willing to work with China to successfully celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Germany and China, continue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and jointly respond to global challenges. I will continue to make active efforts to promote understanding and cooperation between Germany, China and Europe and China.

       Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others participated in the above activities. (Reporter Yang Yijun)


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