A "transnational" technical exchange: Sino-German craftsmen talk about how to train highly skilled talents

    Why do skilled craftsmen and great country craftsmen become the talents in short supply of enterprises? Can the German ‘dual system’ vocational education system and talent training model be transplanted to China? Can a higher vocational college promoted to an undergraduate level train master craftsmen? ... From October 12th to 13th, the first "Longyuan Craftsman-Made in Germany" Skills Exchange Conference hosted by the Gansu Federation of Trade Unions was held in Lanzhou New District. There were more than 100 guests from the government, enterprises, trade unions, vocational colleges, and representatives of many model workers and craftsmen. They exchanged eagerly on topics such as the long-term collaboration and interaction between skilled talents of the two countries and the promotion of industrial worker team building reforms.

      The cutting-edge explanations and wonderful arguments not only triggered a "transnational dialogue" between Chinese and German craftsmen, but also because this exchange coincided with the publication of the "Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Modern Vocational Education" by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council. Among them, topics such as the construction of a skill-based society and how enterprises deeply integrate into modern vocational education have brought many thoughts and enlightenments to people.


Cultivating master craftsmen must "start from the doll"

    "What courses can undergraduate vocational colleges offer to cultivate master craftsmen?" In the interactive session, Sun Huaijun raised questions to experts from Germany. Sun Huaijun is a dual professional talent and was awarded the title of "Longyuan Craftsman" by the Gansu Federation of Trade Unions. Thanks to the new policy of the country's modern vocational education reform, the former Lanzhou Petrochemical Vocational and Technical College where he worked was promoted to a public undergraduate vocational and technical university through resource integration with the approval of the Ministry of Education this year. As the deputy dean of the School of Automotive Engineering of the school, he is eager to find a "fast track" for training craftsmen. "Can you count as a craftsman if you have a bachelor degree?" Frank is the technical president of Inno (Changchun) International Technology Incubation Co., Ltd. He has been engaged in technology, quality, welding and other technical exchange activities between Chinese and European companies in China for a long time. He is also novel about this issue. . In his view, the training of craftsmen does not only rely on universities, but should start from elementary and middle schools. Frank introduced that German elementary and middle school students have many opportunities to be exposed to the education and practice of applied technology. Through various opportunities provided by the government, enterprises and vocational technical associations, elementary and middle school students have 20% of courses and various occupations outside of cultural classes. Skills are related to applied technology. "Skilled craftsmen should also be cultivated from an early age. This is the goal of building a skilled society." In April this year, the National Vocational Education Conference creatively proposed the concept and strategy of building a skilled society. The so-called skill-based society is a society where the state values skills, the society respects skills, everyone learns skills, and everyone has skills. In the "Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Modern Vocational Education", the guiding ideology is to "build a skilled society, promote the spirit of craftsmanship, and cultivate more high-quality technical and skilled talents, skilled craftsmen, and great country craftsmen". Obviously, the construction of a skill-based society has become the voice of the times. Some experts said, “Only by allowing general education and vocational education to infiltrate and integrate each other, fully implement vocational enlightenment education in ordinary primary and secondary schools, and cultivate students’ hobbies and vocational skills awareness in general mastery of skills, can there be a society where skilled craftsmen and skilled masters can emerge. Foundation." "The cultivation of craftsmanship should be integrated into every aspect of education, starting from elementary school to focus on cultivating students' pragmatic spirit and hands-on ability." Professor Li Zongyi, former vice president of Lanzhou Jiaotong University who participated in this exchange meeting, is engaged in a career He has been educated for more than 30 years. He has been awarded the honors of National Advanced Individual in Vocational Education and “One Hundred Outstanding Principals of National Vocational Education”. Li Zongyi said, “German craftsmanship is highly respected, but there is no word for craftsmanship in Germany, but craftsmanship can be seen everywhere. All workers have a spirit of rigor and meticulousness, excellence and the pursuit of perfection. This is every Professional requirements, professional ethics and professional standards that all individuals should have."


Artisans are busy because of the scarcity of talents?

    "The production task is too busy, and I must hurry back as soon as possible." Du Jun, the welding director and chief technician of the Energy Center of Jiuquan Steel Group, is the first front-line skilled worker to obtain the title of senior engineer in Gansu Province, and is a veritable "worker professor". At noon on November 13, before the end of the first "Longyuan Craftsman-Made in Germany" skills exchange meeting, and too late to say goodbye to everyone, Du Jun hurriedly embarked on the return train. "Craftsmen are too busy, which reflects that there are too few outstanding skilled talents in enterprises." According to Professor Li Zongyi, although the overall level of industrial worker team building has been significantly improved in recent years, "the current situation of a general lack of highly skilled personnel has not been achieved. Fundamentally change". The reserve of skilled talents in enterprises is far from enough. As a result, domestic artisans and high-skilled talents are extremely busy, busy with work, busy with apprentices, and even busy to "five plus two" and "white plus black". Wu Haoyang is the business director of the Asia-Pacific region of Reichenbach-Hamu, Germany, and is also an active technical consultant, process equipment, non-standard customized machine tool and intelligent production system expert in China. Over the years, he has been engaged in technical exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and German companies. His most prominent impression is that in Germany, many artisans leave work when they arrive, rarely work overtime, and have a rich personal amateur life; while in China, many artisans Skilled talents at the second level are in a state of overwork. To end the overworked state of craftsmen and model workers, it depends on modern vocational education that can continuously deliver qualified and highly skilled talents to the society and enterprises. However, Li Zongyi said frankly that since the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced reforms such as the modern apprenticeship system and the new apprenticeship system in 2014, the participation of enterprises in modern vocational education has not been high, and there has even been a "hot" in vocational colleges. The "cold" phenomenon of enterprises. At the exchange meeting, there were not only famous model workers such as Lu Chaopeng, Sun Qingxian, Du Jun, Zou Bin, Wei Benqiang, etc., but also corporate executives from Lanshi Group, Jinchuan Group, Jiugang Group, Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, CRRC Lanzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. and other enterprises. The common feeling of management and union cadres is that with the advancement of the reform of the construction of the industrial worker team, each enterprise has gradually formed its own unique craftsman skills talent training model, but they want to participate in modern vocational education in depth, but they don't know where to start.


How to make the enterprise really "hot"

  "Enterprises dominate, schools supplement; companies recruit people, and schools train." Li Zongyi said that in the future, the "dual system" of vocational education should be led by enterprises to establish vocational training relationships, and after signing training contracts close to formal work contracts with students, Students spend 40% of their time in vocational schools to study theory, and 60% or more of their time in enterprises for practical skills training. Schools and enterprises both perform their duties and cooperate with each other to realize the convergence and integration of education and employment. For enterprises, the biggest highlight of the "Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Modern Vocational Education" is to propose new policies such as “innovating school-enterprise cooperation mechanisms” to encourage vocational schools and enterprises to carry out bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation. Vocational schools "construct training and training bases", and companies must "deeply participate in vocational education professional planning, curriculum setting, teaching material development, teaching design, teaching implementation, cooperation to build new majors, develop new courses, and carry out order training..." Experts believe that to make enterprises really "hot" also depends on the support of the government and the formation of active social organizations, the establishment of a social environment for enterprises to assume vocational education responsibilities, and the promotion of vocational colleges, enterprises and industry associations to form a "vocational education community." . Li Zongyi said: "Enterprises must have a strategic layout and long-term plan, actively invest in the dual training of school-enterprise cooperation, and at the same time, actively connect and strive for the dividends of the national development of vocational education policies." Many experts suggest that those who actively participate in modern vocational education Production enterprises give a combination of "finance + finance + land + credit" incentives, and implement relevant tax policies in accordance with regulations. If the pilot enterprise’s investment in setting up vocational education meets the conditions, a certain percentage can be deducted from the educational surcharge payable by the enterprise in that year and the local education surcharge.

To build a skill-based society, companies must not only strive to be the protagonist, but also encourage and support the prosperity and development of industry skill associations. "Whether it is a secondary vocational school, a higher vocational school, or a university degree, it is a degree education. What really has a gold content in Germany is a professional qualification certificate." said Mu Hong, the chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the Fraunhofer Institute of Manufacturing and Information in Germany. In Germany, many people have obtained vocational qualification certificates simultaneously after graduating from high school. "There are more than 300,000 various industry and professional associations in Germany, which can issue professional qualification certificates to students." Mu Hong said, "The development of each association is supported by large and small enterprises, and companies are deeply involved in careers through these associations. Only through education can we cultivate more highly skilled talents.” Relevant persons said that model workers are not only talents of enterprises, but also a valuable asset of society. Model workers should be supported and encouraged to participate in and join various industry organizations and technical associations to allow professional People do professional things together, keep track of the application of new technology, and constantly realize the iterative upgrade of professional technology, and give birth to more skilled craftsmen and craftsmen from big countries.


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